Sunday 12 February 2012


Hello, welcome to my Blog.
Me, I am Gerry. I am  55 at present,  married ,and living in London England ,  I work in the transport industry and I help people on their  travels as part of my daily life. I have also made some amazing journeys of my own that I want to talk about. Not just journeys to places like Stonehenge or Jerusalem  -yes, I have been there, but I have also made what you might call ' journeys of faith' - pilgrimages, if you like. Explorations into the unknown

I have joined in worship and been involved in activities run by Christian Churches, and also by religious organisations quite outside the Christian tradition . I am also a member of an interfaith forum run locally that invites Christian , Jewish , Muslim, Buddhist  and other speakers to talk about aspects of their own tradition and faith .

However, I have also gone and done my own research , sat under trees and upon lonely hill tops and thought my own thoughts about Life, The Universe and Everything.

This is a log of my own wanderings and observations , gathered up over the last 50 odd years or so. I hope you will enjoy travelling with me, I shall be posting pics, I hope, and sharing my thoughts and memories of the places I went to and talking about the stories associated with them.

Born near Creswell Crags in Derbyshire, I have been to London , Paris and Venice. I have also been to Glastonbury, Avebury, Stonehenge,  as well as Bethlehem,  Jerusalem and Galilee in Israel. And I will be sharing my thought and memories on these places and many more. So, welcome to my world and the wayI see it.

I do tend to be rather talkative, but I hope to be informative and interesting as well.  so welcome on a juorney through time and space with me. I hope you will enjoy the ride.

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