Sunday 29 April 2012

Theist or Deist ? You tell me...

 Someone has asked me  - "Am I a Theist, Deist, or just some old guy who has lost the plot?
See, I would say that God /A Higher Being of some sort ( not necessarily the one in the OT or Q'uran made the Universe. However, S/he did not just wind it up, set it down and walk away.

On the Other hand, nor is the Creator all powerful - a logical impossibility, and so works with the Universe as a potter works on clay, moulding it and making things in order to express the Creator more fully.

I believe that Jesus was Divine, the Son of God - but then we all are to a certain extent. At 

least, we all are and some of us are more aware of this than others.

See, on the night before His arrest, Jesus took His disciples to an upper room, and when no one was willing to  would wash their feet ( a lowly task in those days, usually done by servants who were the lowest in the household) Jesus took up a bowl of water and a towel and did the job Himself , saying that He was the Leader, the one they all looked up to -y
et He was willing to be their servant - and if they wanted to be like Him , and call themselves His followers, then that is how they ought to be as well.

Yes, I am a Christian. I take that bit seriously. Not so much the talking snakes and the big flood and the earth made in six days flat. But that bit about being the servant to all, the bit about being a Good Samaritan, going out and doing likewise - Yes!

And yet, I am not really sure that we can say that Jesus was crucified so that God could sacrifice Himself to Himself to appease His own anger. I mean , I know this is how some other Christians see it. And maybe it is fine to have a fifth grader's understanding of religion when you are still in the fifth grade.

 But I am an adult, and I see things a bit different now.

I believe that we all come from God, into material existence and we all return there.
But we do not return as we left, we bring back a lot more. 

I believe that we go, and return to earth many times. 

Not as a reward or punishment, but simply as a consequence of who and what we are.

So, am I God? well, I am pretty close to being one in the eyes of my dog and the Goldfish in the garden pond, but no, I am not really in the eyes of those here, I hope.

God is the Ocean , and I am just one small drop of water. God like is a forest, and some people can only see the trees. I don't know if anyone gets this, but that's how I see it as being. And God does domiracles, God shapes the world and makes it a better place - but not by magic, but by inspiring and indwelling individual people who are willing to put in the hard work. Improving yourself is the best way to improve life.

So, Theist, Deist, or Just Plain Crazy? What say you?  I cannot prove that what I say about God is true - but  I think  it is consistent with reality as I see it. But what do you say ? 

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